Football Runner#


A football player participates in a \({{params.dT}} \ \rm{m}\) sprint. They starts accelerating uniformly from rest in a straight line, where they reach a top speed of \({{params.vM}} \ \rm{m/s}\) at the \({{params.d1}} \ \rm{m}\) mark. He then maintains this speed for the next \({{params.d2}} \ \rm{m}\). After that he slows down uniformly to a final speed of \({{params.vF}} \ \rm{m/s}\) at the finish line.

Part 1#

What is the acceleration just before the \({{params.d1}} \ \rm{m}\) mark?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(\rm{m/s^2}\).

Part 2#

What is the acceleration just before the finish line?

Answer Section#

Please enter in a numeric value in \(\rm{m/s^2}\).


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The Creative Commons 4.0 license requiring attribution-BY, non-commercial-NC, and share-alike-SA license.